California’s laws test whether sexual predators can ever be rehabilitated

At the foot of a fence around a small house in the desert, a protester cleared her throat. She wanted to scream loud enough for the man inside to hear. “Raaaaaapist!” she shouted. “Go away, rapist!”

“No one in this world loves you,” her friend yelled. “You are a sexually violent predator!” The shrieks were met with silence from the white, two-bedroom home outside Palmdale where ____ _____ ____ has lived since his 2014 release from a California mental hospital. Full Article

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This is an easy question to answer. YES! 99% are and many have accomplishment this without productive treatment. Now next question, please?

I do not know about a sexually violent predator but I do know that most that are required to register are not that, A BS MYTH that all RCs are dangerous is just a myth. But the public will never listen to facts, nor will most of the media ever allow the real truth out, they need the myth for their stories.

“California’s laws test whether sexual predators can ever be rehabilitated” oh really? Since when does a law test anything? Laws are simply authorized opinions regarding what is legally permitted. Maybe part of the problem is labeling someone a predator or trying to rehabilitate them. How about thinking “if a person considers doing any of the following here are the resources they can utilize before acting”. Imagine if the man in this story had been able to go somewhere and ask others what was going on in his mind. I have no idea what alternative paths he might have gone down through more helpful non legal channels, but I bet they would be far brighter than his actual life so far.

Notice how I did not frame the thoughts or actions as wrong? Its common theory that rapists know rape is wrong and they still do it. Just maybe instead of thinking of the act as something to prevent we should focus on preventing the want/need to commit the act prior to it occurring. Which may mean providing help months or years before the end rape, assault, or crime is a thought. Why try dealing with a problem afterwards and hoping for good results for each new person involved? When it would be beneficial to stop as many people as possible from ever having to a perpetrator or a victim.